Memory Book

With a heavy heart Iam rememering cousin Eva, Nothing loved is ever lost. In her quiet way, she was loved so much.With sincere sympathy and prayers. Cousin Rena and family..

Kuratko-Nosek Funeral Home

Added on September 17, 2013
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May you find comfort in the memories that are yours to cherish always, and strength in the companionship of those who share your loss.... I have learned never to underestimate the healing power we all have. It is always there to be used for the highest good. Blessed are those who mourn, for they shall be comforted. (Matthew 5:4) May it be a source of inner strength to know that there's a loving God watching over you, and that, throughout this time of need, He'll stay close by your side. I have fought the fine fight, I have run the course to the finish, I have observed the faith.-2Timothy 4:7. As for me, I will lie down that I may sleep; I shall certainly awake, for Jehovah himself keeps supporting me. -Psalms 3:5

Kuratko-Nosek Funeral Home

Added on September 17, 2013
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We enjoyed knowing Eva, and will miss seeing and visiting with her.

Kuratko-Nosek Funeral Home

Added on September 17, 2013
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Lynn, and all the Sainatis, I'm so sorry for your loss.

Lynn, I know how much your grandmother meant to you and my heart breaks for your pain.

Know that you have people who love you, sistah!

Kuratko-Nosek Funeral Home

Added on September 17, 2013
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