Memory Book

I learn of your death so many years after our last contact, decades later. Years of estrangement, which nonetheless followed on years of comraderie, collaboration, and the deepest of friendships. I have never forgotten your fundamental teachings; your inspiration abides, and abounds. And I will forever treasure your mentorship; if today I am a translator, I owe it, in part, to you: a master teacher and translator indeed. Thank you, Justin.

Anthony Molino


Added on March 02, 2014
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You were a great source of inspiration. I enjoyed the many hours that I was blessed to be in your company. You were an ocean of information, a great story teller, a caring person, and an activist for the people. You believed in the ”Underdog” and never let anyone or anything go unrecognized. You had and shared very heart warming and prideful moments about you beautiful family and all the love and joy they brought to your life. I know your legacy will live strong and and live long in so many you have touched…. Thank you.

Diane Russell

Added on November 14, 2013
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