Memory Book

Words cant describe how much I wish you would have answered when i called you a few days before...knowing I'll never hear my best friends voice ever again all the things we went through I wish so much that I could just see you again huge you again... you will always and forever be a happy wonderful memory to me dane I'll always love you brother


Added on October 08, 2018
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My soul mate.

I spent the last few months with him . He showed me love when I was barely loving myself . He was the man I wanted to spend the rest of my life with . He always knew how to make me smile . I will always love you dane . I think about you every damn day and can't believe I no longer will be able to wake to your kisses . Until we meet again . Forever and always always and forever 😍 I'm so glad to have a little of you with me each and every day 😘


Added on August 26, 2018
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Back in high school, I started dating Dane's brother, AJ, this was a time before we had cellphones, so we mostly wrote notes to eachother to read when we were apart. There was a three day period when AJ got sick, and Dane would bring me the notes from AJ and vice versa. I thought it was really sweet, he would always ask if I had a note in return to take to AJ, I was shy so I would just nod and hand him my little folded up paper, and he would nudge me and say 'get it girl' which always embarassed me. He was such a good brother to AJ, and he made sure we kept contact, even if the amount of time was short.

Brittany Ridener

Added on August 02, 2018
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