Memory Book


Tere, after 46 years, it was a life well lived. We traveled, we lost love ones, we partied, we moved around, we even fought a few times, you went walkabout and in the end we finished together, you me and Angie.

Your chile, birria, tacos, cheesy beans and so much more, plus all the many conversations will be missed. Up to the end you shared with me that all your lost siblings and family were in the room with us, including a few boy friends. You were a character to be sure. I saw you go in peace! We can't ask for anything more!

Luis Salazar

Luis Salazar

Added on February 06, 2021
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My Tia Tere

My fondest memory of my Tia Teresa was her contagious laugh and her sense of humor and wit. Though she was a few states away from her brothers her visits were always memorable and full of joy...I remember my mother and tia laughing and joking at our kitchen table conjuring good memories of days gone by. I know my father, her brother Manuel, enjoyed her visits and cherished them in his heart. Oh and man-o-man could she cut a rug on the dance floor! she was blessing to our family and now she is in heaven dancing and laughing away with her brothers! My condolences to cousins Angelica, Richard and the rest of the family. God bless. Alex and Miriam(Romo) De La Vega

Miriam de la Vega

Added on February 04, 2021
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Into The Flow

This is a selection from a poem I wrote the day I found out abuelita passed.

I don’t worry about you, abuelita, because I know you’re here.
I know you’ve joined with Spirit, I feel you and its real.
I feel your rest and I feel your peace
And with you, grandma, I feel your relief

Your time in the body was a solar flare
I remember looking it up and seeing you there
A massive burst of light with high energy
Heat unimaginable, effects far-reaching

You came and you shined
And you shared so much joy
You cared for the little ones
You cared for the boys

You made friends of no-ones and in this I now see
How much you healed creation, and by extension healed me
You managed limited power in favor of undersidelings
You fed with generosity, created things and cleaned

I didn’t understand you, most of the time,
But somehow meaning was exchanged, a mystery of the divine
So it’s possible I did not know you like another’s “well”
But I observed enough to recognize your presence with me now

One time you said to me and this I’ll never forget,
“Poco veneno no mata” and I think that’s how you experienced it
Some of us have drank poison and its ruined our lives
Some of us have offset it and countered its tries
I think you experienced it, probably every bit
And I think it was hard
But, yes, you lived through it

And you still sunburst your energy, you still shone that shine,
You still laughed missing teeth, you still slipped us dimes
You still longed for us, in an unappeasing way
I think because you thought your sunburst was only as long as your “stay”

But a solar flare is like a wave, it’s just on the top
Its the surface that has contact with what it is and what it’s not
But the wave is the sea, as the burst is the sun
There is something so much bigger that you returned to and emerged from

I’m glad you’re not suffering
I’m glad you now see
That your brothers were calling you to the wave of mercy
I’m glad for your purpose
I’m glad for your call
And for all the good you’re yet to do, I’m glad for it all

And I choose to partner with you
And when I feel the Presence and the peace
I will know there is a Knowing that understands me like you think
And I’ll remember dancing in the kitchen, one arm up-raised
And I’ll remember chile and ask you to help my taste.

I’m not afraid to believe that you’re alive
And when I feel level headed, I know it’s you on my side
Telling me to pay attention, telling me to listen to them all
Telling me just enjoy it, that silence, stillness, that call
I think you want me to see some of the things you missed
And in that way I’ll live your legacy and to the next also be a gift
And I’ll acquiesce, the way you overcame your fear
And trusted your family, into God’s flow adhere.


Added on February 04, 2021
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Mi madre...Teresa

Mi madre duerme. Descanzo la cabeza y cero los ojos y se duermio. Estaba cansada mi dulce viejita. No quiero pensar que se fui y que no va regresar. Todavia oigo su voz, y veo su rostro de su cara. Y lo unico que quiero es tener a mi madre a mi lado otra vez.
Solo requiero una photo, una memoria, o una cancion. Para yo sentir la Triestesa, el golpe, y el dolor. Pero me consuelo, en saber que Sus Hermanos, su Nina y su madre la recibieron al Cruzar. Que rostro tan bello ... ver su dulce Paz. Los ultimos 2 meses desfrute de su precencia. Platicabamos de su vida, su Hijo, sus nietos, bisnietos y todas su amistades. La vida de Ella no era escallones hecho de Oro, alcontrario eran escallones con muchas Espinas. Sufrio mucho mi pobre viejita. Pero nunca se vencio. Lucho haste el ultimate respiro. Dicen que con el tiempo Las memorias nos calman el dolor. Pero por mientras, me voy a dormer pensando en mi madre. Con la Esperanza de verla en mis suenos. Nunca olvidare el ultimo dia con Ella. Gracias a Dios......que su espirito Siempre estara a nuestro lado.


Added on February 02, 2021
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