Memory Book

Dear family of Ted. We were friends pretty much for 52 years. Our families and jobs sometimes took us in different directions for awhile but we always circled back. The last year or so each with our illnesses and covid limited us to enjoyable phone calls reminiscing and cussing those darn Phillies.
The first 10 years or so made enough lifetime memories to fill several books.
Before we could drive taking train and subway to the Arena to see wrestling show.
Driving to New York to see Monty Python Live
Taking a Friday off work to drive to Disney world ,walking the park on Saturday and driving home Sunday with side trip to Daytona Beach.
Working together at Sernoffs seafood , would be a book by itself. Then again working together at Spectra Grapics.
Drinking enough beer to float a battleship.
5 cent pinball at Bazaar of all Nations where your mother worked. Phillies games with your father.
I had the honor of being your best man and then you were mine.
This just scratches the surface of good times we had.
When we meet again on the other side I'll buy the first round of Pabst Blue Ribbon.
When I first happened across your death notice I wasn't totally surprised. But over the last few weeks I often wonder what happened.
Lou Waters

Lou Waters

Added on November 10, 2021
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