Memory Book

loveable uncle

my memories of a man i called uncle john. sweet funny and tender hearted. a laugh that was so infectious. that none of us would stop mom told me so many stories about you and her, like when you two lost your mother at an early age. it seemed as though it was just the two of you in the world. you would play together walk to school you both approached your high school years, uncle would take you with him on dates.he would dance with you at school were two peas in a of my personal favorites is when you came to stay with us for a while and you would tell us some whopper stories. i would ask my mom the next day,and she would yell for uncle and he would say ever so innocently coming sis , already cracking mom would say did you tell the kids that story and he said yes and my mom would reply john you big fat liar.i came to take care of him as he grew sick and the one thing that really stands out like a big bright no matter what he never lost his ability to make one laugh and smile be charming and playful without the use of words. god bless you uncle every time i look up to the sky and see that big bright star i will know it's you. love your niece irene

irene castillo

Added on March 09, 2015
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I have such fond memories of my Uncle John. I think my favorite was the time he was leaving our house in his new car with a sun roof. No one had sun roofs at that time, but Uncle John did. It also had these electric seats (also a first for us) that would adjust forward, backward, and up and down. WAY too cool. Anyway, as he started to drive away, he opened the sun roof, and raised his electric seat so that his head was coming out of the top of the car. There he was with his famous, oh so memorable smile, driving down our street with his head coming out of the top of his car. He was so funny

Sarah Nava-Braly

Added on March 07, 2015
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Father, grandfather and father in law. We will always miss your contagious smile and a heart of gold. We have peace knowing that you are with the Lord in such a better place. We love you so very much!
Love..David, Kristina, Cheyenne, Christian and Chanel

Kristina Nava

Added on March 06, 2015
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from your beloved daughter Diana Jo Nava

Dad I love you. Never forgotten always in my heart. xoxoxooxoxooxoxooxoxoxoxooxo

Diana Newby

Added on March 05, 2015
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