Memory Book

Karol Curtis

I enjoyed so many good lunches with Judy and our conversations that ran on and on. I have missed her all this time while she was sick and will continue to miss her.

Karol Curtis

Added on May 21, 2015
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Judy you were my best friend and I miss you so much. I know that you were not afraid to pass. You are now at peace dear friend.

Sally Aiken

Added on May 21, 2015
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OH Judy, As I sit here and think of all the memories I have of you. I will miss your laugh and how you made so much time to sit and chit chat with me. I loved sharing my life with you. My favorite memory of how much you just loved my Luna dog. How you would just light up when I brought her in.

Yvette Harsha

Added on May 21, 2015
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