Memory Book

My condolences

Greetings, I'm sorry to hear about your loss. In the Bible, God does promise us a better future. Please read Isaiah 25:8. I hopes scripture provides comfort.

Dorene Glover

Added on October 05, 2015
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To Sunshine

I always called him Sunshine because he had such a bright smile to go with that bright personality. I was at that Easter gathering where the ham got burnt. He said he had put it in the week before at 500* to make sure that it was done. The next year he reminded me about Easter 2 weeks before and said he had the ham in cooking already, but turned it down to 450*. You will be missed by so many and loved forever after. Till we meet again.

Michael Robillard

Added on August 18, 2015
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The Best Uncle!

When Jack came to visit us in Ohio. We had to take him out to eat at Texas Roadhouse where the environment is loud and they give you a bucket a peanuts and throw the shell on the floor. Jack loved this place! He looked around and seen these special drinking glassed in the shape of a boot! He said " Oh we have to have those!" So everyone that night drank out of a boot and took it home and it is still in my cupboard. So if you are a restaurant get the special glass that Jack would of thought would be fun to drink out of and take it home to remember him by! He was loved a lot and be deeply missed. Love you Uncle Jack! Your Niece Amanda

Amanda Neidemire

Added on August 14, 2015
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RIP I will miss you Skippy

I honestly still can't believe you're gone. I will always remember your great sense of humor and all the fun we had working at Roche. It seems like just yesterday you were here in January visiting So Cal in anticipation of retiring to Palm Springs next year. You were so excited! We had a wonderful day visiting the Reagan Library. I will always treasure the memories and will prominently display the pictures we took aboard Air Force One. Rest well, Jack, I will think of you often.

Carol Greco Marquez

Added on August 12, 2015
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Skippy, you will be missed!

Jack was one of the many people who made working at Roche so much fun! I met a very wonderful group of friends there, and Jack was one of them. He always made us laugh and made work feel more like play. I always think of him when I hear the song, "Winter Wonderland" and picture him strolling down the hall, waving his arms above his head as he sang it! It was so adorable! The last time I saw him was when he came on my tour in San Francisco. It was a pleasure knowing you, Jack. I will think of you often.

Kitty Burns-Nasarow

Added on August 12, 2015
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A wonderful, fun-loving man

It was a pleasure knowing Jack, and I am deeply saddened by his passing. In thinking about my interactions with Jack, I am reminded of his infectious smile and his sense of adventure. I have nothing but fond memories of the times we spent together. -Nico


Added on August 11, 2015
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