Memory Book

Good bye Great Aunt Jo. I will miss you. You were always great about remembering me even when I was halfway around the world or the country. And when I had kids, you remembered them as well. Lots of love from all of us. – Denise Dearing

John P. Donohue Funeral Home

Added on March 05, 2013
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Dearest Aunt Jo, THANK YOU for being my guardian angel throughout my life. I know that your prayers got me out of many a scrape. You are the best Godmother, ever. Now, please, keep watching over me from Heaven. – Comarella Tina

John P. Donohue Funeral Home

Added on March 05, 2013
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Although I never met Josephine,I feel as if I knew her thru my friend Tina. May the family find peace in that she will always watch over them. – Ginger Rea

John P. Donohue Funeral Home

Added on March 05, 2013
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Rest in Peace, Josephine. – Mary C. Trimber

John P. Donohue Funeral Home

Added on March 05, 2013
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Aunt Jo was my godmother and confirmation sponsor and has always been a very important and extra special person in my life. Throughout my life she always remembered not only my birthday but also my feast day with gifts and cards. Aunt Jo was a second Mom and a big sister to me. She took me to all my "firsts": dinner in center city, live plays, museums, Liberty Bell and Carpenter's Hall tours and of course the opera. When I started working for American Airlines she travelled with me. I went to Prouille on retreat with her many times. She shared just about every holiday with my family and always arrived with an armload of food and presents. Aunt Jo was always my spiritual guide and prayed for me daily. I will miss her more than I can say. – Tina Lattanzio Sommers

John P. Donohue Funeral Home

Added on March 05, 2013
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The first time I met Adri and Tom was also the first time I met Aunt Jo. A lifetime ago. Adri and Tom were moving into Grand-Mom's house. The day after Danielle and I arrived, somewhere around lunch time, Aunt Jo arrived with flowers in hand, brightening up an otherwise grey, dreary, freezing cold day. I kept her laughing most of the day. She introduced me to her phrase "oh well, what are ya gonna dew"?. That was the first time I saw her. From that point on, Aunt Jo was so in our lives. We, like so many others, were the recipients of her love. Not only Danielle and I, but also Gabrielle and Spencer. Prayer cards, letters, birthday cards, anniversaries, you name it. Aunt Jo was on it. The last time I saw her was in Wildwood a number of years ago. Aunt Jo and her disposition were still the same. She brought flowers. I still made her laugh. "Oh Doug, what are we gonna dew with you"?. Well Aunt Jo, just wait until we meet again. I'm sure you'll think of something to "dew" with all of us. Until then, know that we love and miss you. – Doug Martin

John P. Donohue Funeral Home

Added on March 05, 2013
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"Lady Josephine"
Aunt Jo reminded me of a noblewoman from times past. And to me, was also a true heroine in her own way; not in the typical romantic sense, but far more real because of that distinction. Aunt Jo was truly an amazing, unique woman, especially in her time. She was strong, determined, self-reliant, extremely smart, giving, gracious, graceful and beautiful. She carried no airs, but in her presence, you felt her confidence and her strength, while at the same time, an overwhelming sense of love. She was always immaculately, and properly dressed and groomed; never over the top, but had her own simple yet distinctively Aunt Jo style. And always upon her apparel you would see the perfectly appropriate scarf or hat fitting for the occasion. She never donned herself with massive amounts of jewels, but always wore the most precious of them nonetheless; a crucifix and her medals. And while I can't be positive, I would guess her "jewels" also included a hidden scapula would have been there as well.

"The Lay Nun"
Inspirational. One word, but so positively fitting for Aunt Jo. Jospehine DeLeonardis was positively the most devout Catholic I have ever known. She was our go to person "for all things Catholic." And her devotion and passion for our Lord came through in all she ever did, or said, and in turn, inspired so many to keep God in their hearts and alive and active in their souls.

She was always there for everyone, physically when possible and spiritually when not. I'm certain none of us will ever know exactly how many people she truly helped. I can only imagine that wherever she went and whomever she associated with, she was undoubtedly lending a hand. However most importantly, whatever she did do, she didn't do it alone; while we know she never married, nor had a companion, she always had Him with her at all times.

I often wondered why she never took the veil and became a nun. Perhaps God guided her to stay within the bustle of the world so she could serve Him in her special way, and influence and help so many people she might otherwise have not been able to reach.

Throughout my life, we never had a conversation where she did not fail to speak about Jesus or our Blessed Mother. And always, in all conversations she expressed her most sincere gratitude for our Lord, regardless of what may have been ailing her at the time. Although it was very infrequent that I ever heard a complaint or an ache or pain, on the few times she did admit to anything troubling her or ailing her, it was immediately followed up by a genuine praise and gratefulness to God for what was right and good in her world.

The other attribute unique to Aunt Jo was the overabundance of prayer cards, news clippings and Saint Cards she seemed to have an endless supply of! I have a box completely filled with Saint cards and clippings she has given to me over the years She probably started sending them to me before I could read! Having Aunt Jo was like having your own personal Catechism teacher!

Dottie and Bill
Aunt Jo used to take me to visit her friends Dottie and Bill when I was in Phila. Bill had had a stroke, and was unable to speak. You would think I would have been bored as a kid being dragged around to visit these older friends of hers, or even nervous at my age being around strangers. But Bill and Dottie soon became people I couldn't wait to go and visit. Watching Aunt Jo doing God's work by just giving of her time and love to others was beautiful. I came to see Bill as a wonderfully sweet and loving man; almost like another Grandfather. I'll never forget the day he planted a tree and through his wife Dottie, communicated to her the name of the tree was Danielle. I couldn't believe anyone would want to name a tree after me. Just another gift while from someone else, was a result of Aunt Jo's kindness.

Baby Jesus
Aunt Jo would always refer to Jesus as "Baby Jesus." So interesting how by her referring to Him as "Baby Jesus" she would make Him feel so much more alive to me, I could feel and see a baby, and all the vulnerabilities a baby has, and yet at the same time feel consumed with the strength and power known only to our Lord. Fusing both images, and infusing in my mind, a sense of who He is and truly feeling Him and His presence.

Lovely Lady Dressed in Blue
Her devotion to our Blessed Mother was truly palpable. I know it is due to her affinity for our Blessed Mother and the way Aunt Jo exuded her spirituality outright or subtly that led me to find the beauty and love and was instrumental in my own devotion to our Lady. While I can't be certain if my love for the prayer "Lovely Lady Dressed in Blue" came to me from Aunt Jo or Grandmom, Aunt Jo certainly never forgot how much I loved that prayer. And I loved saying that prayer with her.

1-800-Call A Jo

Phone calls with Aunt Jo were never long, but she had this magical way of making every word purposeful. While many calls were made just to say hello, I will admit she was also the one I would call for a "Jesus boost." There were times over the years I would call her because I was feeling somewhat like a lost sheep -- whether due to an overwhelming sense of weariness from my chronic pain or some personal crisis that would cause me to feel distant from God. Oddly enough, I did this without truly recognizing what I was doing all those years until after she passed away. By the end of any call, I would hang up with an inner sense of Peace and a renewed knowledge that He was with me and in fact had never left.
In these calls, I would never tell her anything was amiss, and would only talk about the positive things going on. In fact I never would discuss my health or whatever my situation was with her as I never wanted to alarm or give her cause for concern. Nonetheless, even without me saying anything negative and only relaying the good things that were going on, she would somehow just "know,“ not specifics, but I think she could sense my need for a renewal of the Holy Spirit to dwell within me.

In retrospect it's just so strange. My calls were always intentionally upbeat and I'd employ all my acting skills to mask my true feelings during those specific calls. My over-ridding desire not to upset or worry her always kept the calls on a positive note. But it didn't change the fact that regardless, somehow, she just knew! She never knew facts, at least from me, ( I know mom would relay if I'd had a surgery, or wasn't feeling well, etc.)

Somehow, she said exactly what it was I needed to hear to set me on the right path again. Every call, regardless of the discussion, would end with her telling me how she will pray for me. Since I always believed, perhaps due to her unwavering loyalty and love for God, she wielded the ability to reach Him.
And I'm sure many of you can say the same; when Aunt Jo would tell you she was praying for you, you knew those prayers were going to be heard!

The invoking of Aunt Jo's personal “Prayer Warrior Nuns”
I know I'm not alone in this one; but when things would be really hard, and she heard of it, the next thing you knew, Aunt Jo had "THE NUNS" praying for you.

I remember as a kid imaging a cohort of Nuns being given direction from Aunt Jo as to who needed prayers and why. There was so much conviction in her voice, and you could sense it was something truly powerful.

Until only while compiling information for her obituary, I never knew who "THE NUNS" were! As it turns out they were the Domincan Sisters at the Retreat House in Elkins Park that she had volunteered for over 60 years, so she definitely KNEW the nuns!! I just know in my mind growing up they were this unknown, unseen troupe of nuns called in to pray for the special intention Aunt Jo gave them on our behalf! Talk about a sense of Peace, when she'd say "I've asked THE NUNS to pray for you, you felt like your own personal prayer warriors had your back!

Communion & the Catholic Faith
It was without doubt, the influence of Aunt Jo and Grandmom that gave me the desire to pursue making my First Holy Communion in 5th grade -- long after anyone I knew had made theirs. I will never forget the day; after taking the classes locally in Connecticut at the time, on Holy Thursday, when I was almost 11 years old, I walked down the aisle of St. Louis' Catholic Church in Yeadon PA, wearing a borrowed mint green dress Aunt Jo found for me, and someone's veil (my mother's original I believe) and made my First Holy Communion then. There wasn't any pomp or circumstance, certainly not all the hoopla that has been the case when my two children made theirs. But it is a beautiful memory for me nonetheless, I think made even better because of the circumstances. I'll never forget how happy Aunt Jo and Grandmom both looked when I returned after consuming the Eucharist for the first time.

Last night, while watching Gabrielle and Spencer Altar Serve, while I was acting as a Eucharistic Minister, I think back to how and when my love for God and the Catholic Faith began know without a doubt, had it not been for Aunt Jo, I wouldn’t be as involved in the church today.

I loved Aunt Jo so much. I loved her smile, her laugh, the knowledge she would bestow upon me, and just being in the presence of someone as devout and loving as she was.

I will miss her forever. But I know she is with our Lord and I will see her again someday. Rest in Peace Aunt Jo. – Danielle Dearing Martin

John P. Donohue Funeral Home

Added on March 05, 2013
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Great Great Aunt Jo. That's what she was - a great, great aunt. And I will miss her a great, great bunch. The epitome of a Catholic woman, the personification of love. Since I was born, she loved me with the unconditional love only found once in a lifetime. Despite the thousands of miles between us, she and I shared a bond akin to no other. Prayer cards traveled mailbox to mailbox. Phone calls exchanged words of affection and care - words that outweighed the world.
I love you and miss you, Aunt Jo.
God bless your soul. Spencer – Spencer Martin(Great Great Nephew)

John P. Donohue Funeral Home

Added on March 05, 2013
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My great great aunt Jo was born on March 24th, only a few days before I was born, well... maybe a few days and 71 years, but who's counting? My point is that she and I were both Aries. Aries are known for being devoted wholeheartedly to what we believe in and aspire to do. Not only was she devoted to our Lord and our Catholic Faith, but she was so devoted to her family too. She would always, always, remember to send me birthday cards and Christmas cards... pretty much every major holiday. Even though we lived thousands of miles away and didn't really get a chance to see each other often, I still felt close to her. I always hear stories about how loving she was and how devoted she was to her faith in God and helping those in need. If I am able in my life to do even one tenth of the glorious things she did in her life, I know that I could be a better person. You truly were an amazing person Aunt Jo. You touched our hearts in so many ways, and changed all of our lives forever. Thank you so much. I know you are in God's loving arms now. Rest in Peace. I love you. Gabrielle – Gabrielle Martin

John P. Donohue Funeral Home

Added on March 05, 2013
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