Memory Book

Truly a good soul.

When I went to the mountains with my son,the first thing he said was “He’s a BIRD!” Lol I’ll never forget him telling me how he wanted to be stable and happy,truly happy. I hope you found that forever happiness now. God bless you,sleep peacefully.

Katie B

Added on April 22, 2020
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He was a true prankster. He had an amazing smile. He loved to push the envelope. I almost expect that he will pop out at any minute and give me a "Gotcha" and once again give me that amazing smile.
I loved his hugs.
He worked long and hard.
You will be missed.


Added on April 10, 2020
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RIP with Mr. Bird

He was a gift and a blessing.
He thought it was funny to call me Betty. He chopped my first biggest wood pile I even had. There was always a fire going up the mountains when he was there. No matter what TIME. Everyone would be belly laughing well into the night sitting around the fire pit when he would tell his stories. He could relax there and find some peace. John and him loved to go fishing.
He saw the best in everyone. He was smart, kind, and really care about the elderly.
He felt like a son to me.
My heart is broken but I understand for he is now truly at peace.
He will be in my heart forever.
Mrs. Bird

Mrs. Bird

Added on April 09, 2020
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Me him and bird fixing the roof

We were up the mountains fixing birds mom roof.....he was holding a peice of metal cause we were putting the metal roof on.....I stepped on the metal and it slipped from his hands and i went sliding down the roof the metal falls off the roof and i just hang on by my finger tips with my feet hanging over the side.....we thought I was going off the roof but I didn't......the stories he told us while sitting around the fire...I will miss him

Brian perry

Added on April 09, 2020
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